Nature Camp Announcements
What is Nature Camp?
Nature Camp is the Wednesday Night Children’s Ministry of the Delaware Run Wesleyan Church
It is a great time of fun, games, stories and crafts for the kids.
They learn great stories from the Bible, learn memory verses and get points that they can turn into Nature Bucks
and spend at our Outpost general store. There are picnic, hikes, field trips and outing to various places throughout the year.
It’s a great time for children 4 to 19!
Nature Camp Coming Events:
Nature Camp Work Night
Tuesdays & Wednesday starting June 12 thru September: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Throughout the summer & into the Fall, we will be having work nights to complete our Nature Camp area in the church.
There are a number of projects yet to complete that include, painting, wood work, carpentry, decorating, and foam carving.
Season Kick Off
Wednesday, August 28th: 6:00 pm
We are planning a nature outing at the Montour Preserve. Meet at the Visitor’s Center Parking lot. A snack and drink will be provided after the hike.